Welcome to the first annual preview of the Tasmanian Racing Tournament! I’m your host, Frank Berry, and with me is Thomas Pole. I gotta say, Tom, it kind of feels like someone just picked a random name out of a hat, for your last name.
I could easily say the same about you, Mr Berry. We both have very strange last names, yes, but that’s what makes this the Berry and Pole Recap!
Indeed it is, Pole. Now, let’s get on to today’s event. Racers are lining up in their old, bashed-up vehicles for the first leg of the race. Why do you think it was a requirement that all vehicles be completely un-roadworthy?
I think that’s what makes the Tasmanian Racing Tournament stand out, Frank. The Tasmanians like to do things a little differently, so why not have a racing competition where you have to stop halfway at a Brighton tyre and auto shop for repairs? It will make the race memorable, as a big part of it is the condition of your car, and how well it holds up.
An excellent take, Tom. I, for one, am excited to see how this plays out. Who do you think is going to take the chocolates on this first leg, earning themselves a head start in the next race?
I’m going to be backing Brighton local, Jimmy Stein. Jimmy is driving a 1991 Forward Falcon, in great condition for a thirty-year-old car. I suspect that he will be able to get through this first leg without stopping at a Brighton service centre, which should see him take first place.
Personally, I think that Ryan Thyme should take first place, although I think you have a good argument. But I’ve seen Ryan drive before, and it’s like time just stops for him. Even in his rusty RV, I think he’ll be able to weave around the competition and finish first. Well, it’s almost time for the big race. We’ll be back with a recap, once it is over!
Frank Berry and Thomas Pole, signing off.